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November 2021 Newsletter

CAUTION WET PAINT, Art Forger at work!!! Exciting news for this November, Cloud Gallery will be hosting a night with me on November 26th at their Brighton Gallery. Please contact for invite information. The evening will be a chance to view my works, have a chat and a glass of bubbly and purchase an original David Henty.

I’m so pleased to be represented by Cloud Gallery and really look forward to the evening. I am busily painting away for it and can’t wait to see you there.

As we begin to spend more time indoors, it’s important to create a cosy hideaway from the cold. Gazing at your favourite art piece may just make going into winter hibernation that more bearable and with the Christmas period coming around very quickly, why not give the gift of a painting?

David Henty social media platforms have been hacked so please continue to view news and new works on the website


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