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July 2023 Newsletter

WOW I can’t believe we’re halfway through 2023 already (with me mainly at the easel!) – where does the time go!

Filming starts this month with Yael Breuer and Bill Smith from ‘The Latest TV Brighton’ on Modigliani, and I’ve been busy painting a few of Modigliani’s lovers and the stolen piece ‘Girl with a Fan’ (which is still missing) especially for the programme. I find Modigliani’s life so interesting, and am sure you will too.

My friend and co-writer of ‘Art World, Underworld’ David Forrest is visiting from Australia this month. I’m very much looking forward to seeing him and talking about our next project together on Caravaggio. Watch this space for more news.

The fantastic gallery Antique Modern Mix who purchased my Basquiat on The Greatest Auction have asked if I could show in their new Gallery in Kings Road, which I am over the moon about. Please follow me on Instagram davidhentyartforger for the exhibition details.

I’ve also been asked to do a podcast with Aaron Daniels on ‘The Healthy Creative Podcast’. His pods are about creative and design conversations and simple and effective ways to get more creativity into your life. Aaron Daniels delivers clear, effective advice that promotes inclusion into creativity, rather than unnecessary exclusion. Creativity isn’t just for ‘creative types.’

Lastly but not least – My collaboration with fellow artist Jake Fern is cracking on. We are working on a body of work which will be revealed very soon.

Amazon Link for Art World Underworld.

Link for The Greatest Auction Channel 4.


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