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December 2023 Newsletter

November ended with a terrific trip to Roma to visit as many Caravaggio paintings as I could in the four days we were there.

The Villa Borghese is an exceptional home, set in the beautiful Borghese Park. Its gallery is filled wall-to-wall with some of the greatest sculptures and paintings in the world. The Galleria Borghese is also one of the richest museums of Caravaggio masterpieces – Six in total. Young Sick Bacchus, Saint Jerome Writing, Boy with a Basket of Fruit, David with the Head of Goliath, Madonna and Child with St. Anne and John the Baptist, adorn this exquisite establishment.

Several local churches around the fabulous city also feature Caravaggio’s magnificent masterpieces. I still have more to see, so I’ll be venturing back to Rome again very soon.

December is looking very exciting too. I’m thrilled to be the resident artist in the fabulous Pilgrim Hotel in Paddington London. The hotel will showcase artists for six months at a time, giving their cliental a place to ponder and explore. I am honoured to be part of their team. I’ll be at the hotel on the evening of 7th December for a chat from 6pm. RSVP@THEPILGRM.COM for an invite.

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and peaceful Christmas.

Here’s to 2024.

David Henty


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