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June Newsletter 2020

I am delighted to have been asked to do an online interview for Zoneone Arts Australia for their “in conversation with” series. Zoneone Arts provide online interviews that showcase people in the Arts and Creative industry around the world. Deborah Blakeley asked some great questions for the interview, one being: “If you could invite five artists to dinner, whom would you ask?” My answer, of course, was my favourite painters Caravaggio, Picasso, Modigliani, Soutine and Walter Sickert. What a boozy and fascinating night that would be!

Interview by Deborah Blakeley, Melbourne, Australia for Zoneone Arts ( Out soon.

In other news, Carnes Fine Art Ormskirk, Lancashire, has donated the sale of a Lowry style painting by me to their nominated charity – Chorley’s ‘Help the Homeless’ – a local food bank which is in great need of support at this current time. Bradley generously rounded the figure to an amazing £500. Thank you so much to Carnes Fine Art. (

During lockdown, I’ve indulged my passion for Caravaggio, working on The Entombment and the Card Sharps. Other work I’ve undertaken includes a collection of Lowry Style paintings available at Cloud Gallery (, a Picasso collection (including the hundred million dollar Le Marin with or without the hole!!) and my William Waterhouse collection, which I’ve been working on since January. Thankfully, during this surreal time, art has been a lifesaver, keeping my mind occupied. I hope you have your own lockdown achievement and that you’re all staying safe and well.

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