August Newsletter
What a month July turned out to be! I was the featured artist at Cloud Gallery for the opening of their brand new flagship store in Worthing, with my exhibition running until August 9th. Opening day was a huge success and I wish Andrew and the team who run Cloud much success in the future.
August also promises to be an exceptional month in other ways as I start filming for ‘Extraordinary People’ with Yael Breuer. A series filmed for Latest TV Brighton about local people with extraordinary lives, I feel very privileged to be part of it and will keep you updated as to when it will be aired.
Also my extraordinary sister Shani Struthers (a bestselling paranormal author) has asked me to paint a picture for the cover of her new book This Haunted World Book Three: Highgate, set in North London’s world famous cemetery. She’ll be doing a cover reveal soon via social media and, from late October, you’ll be able to buy it from Amazon or order it from all good bookstores.
Finally, I have been asked to collaborate with the Lowry Hotel Manchester in a potential private viewing/exhibition at The Lowry Hotel to coincide with the release of the film Mrs Lowry and Son (about the painter and his often agonising relationship with himself and his mother) released on the 30th August. No doubt it will put me in a Lowry frame of mind for the rest of September so watch this space for brand new matchstick men and matchstick boys and girls paintings!