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"I am a simple man and I use simple materials: Ivory Black, Vermilion, Prussian Blue, Yellow Ochre, Flake White and no medium. That's all I've ever used in my paintings." L.S.Lowry

Inspired by L.S.Lowry

Manchester, Mills and Matchstick Men.


David is known as the best Lowry copyist worldwide, with his encyclopedic knowledge of Lowry, he has consulted for sky arts and gives demonstrations and talks on his Lowryesque paintings.


Lowry had such an interesting and individual outlook regarding the subjects he painted.  The stark and often bleak landscapes, the sad, very real figures draw your attention into the paintings.  David Henty Lowry's capture the soul of a L.S.Lowry, the dreamscapes are often replaced with a mixture of Lowry's figures and buildings with the compositions inspired by Lowry.

The pictures are painted where possible on period canvas, artist board or panel and with paints true to the period. Commissions undertaken for your unique/personalised Lowry style painting available.


Because of the closeness to Lowry's paintings all paintings are signed David Henty on the back.

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