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David Henty Art


David Henty is able to take commissions of artworks on behalf of discerning art lovers, collectors and corporate clients. It is possible to commission a painting from a wide range of artists and movements and, wherever possible, David will source paints and materials true to the original period, ensuring that the resulting artwork will have the correct look and feel.


In preparation for the work, David will study not only the appearance of the original, but the artist’s unique methods and distinguishing techniques.

Exclusivity is always given on commissioned paintings.

If you’d like to discuss a painting, please get in touch using the contact form below.

David Henty is available for consultancy work - if you require professional or expert advice in his field to fill a role within TV, film or any other media aspect then please get in touch using the form below. 



David has previously worked on various programmes including;


- Sky 

- Channel 4


- Al Jazeera

- Meridian 

- Latest TV

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